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Another month is is done and dusted and the month was packed with new releases and fun events! There were some bangers of products and then.. then there was a massive fail… and can someone tell me when I spent an inordinate amount of time talking about goats in this monthly round up  video?   […]
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Beautiful products like these make for beautiful photographs Brrrr its been a cold one in Sydney this month! And I spent the most of it resting up and recharging for the second half of the year. I spent a lot of time snuggled under blankets watching Netflix (did anyone else love Okja?) during a two […]
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It was quite a big month here at LNL HQ (thats what I like to call the makeup stuffed spare room in my house) with a multitude of new products landing on my door step. As the new financial year rolls in companies start releasing previews of future launches, so stay tuned for those sorts […]
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April was a chocolate fuelled month, between Easter and family birthday celebrations April was food galore. Two weeks away from work gave me a well deserved break and allowed me to catch up on some sleep and some blogging work. I went back to work last week feeling refreshed (such a lie) and ready to […]
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February is over! Welcome to March! Hopefully the wild weather is over and we in Australia can start to enjoy some more temperate weather in Autumn. Bring on the deeper shades and cooler weather clothes (hopefully) Here on LNL I spent February celebrating everything Valentines with some pretty red swatches courtesy of Bourjois. Gave some […]
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Ive loved sharing favourites with you here on the blog over the years. Going into 2017 I knew I wanted to shake things up a bit and share a bit more on a month to month basis and so have decided to film monthly round ups from now on. I guess I wanted to let […]
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HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2016 has come to an end and its been a big one in the beauty world.. We have seen some amazing collaborations between YouTubers and cosmetic junkies, some completely entertaining challenges completed by beauty gurus and trends that have changed the way we apply product to our face (anyone else doing more […]
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