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Ive loved sharing favourites with you here on the blog over the years. Going into 2017 I knew I wanted to shake things up a bit and share a bit more on a month to month basis and so have decided to film monthly round ups from now on. I guess I wanted to let […]
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… and now for something completely different lets have a look at the brand new Elizabeth Arden Beautiful Colour Bold Liquid lipstick… There seems to be a new liquid lipstick release every other week but these from Elizabeth Arden are completely different! Not only is the formula, finish and feel of these completely different. But […]
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HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2016 has come to an end and its been a big one in the beauty world.. We have seen some amazing collaborations between YouTubers and cosmetic junkies, some completely entertaining challenges completed by beauty gurus and trends that have changed the way we apply product to our face (anyone else doing more […]
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