10,000 reasons to smile!

Some time during the day, probably while I was at work doing non beauty related things the blog count clicked over into the 5 digit mark! How exciting! 
Today two other exciting blog related things occurred, I recieved an email from a company wanting me to try their products! And I was invited to my first ever blogger night for a big product launch (unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend – boo!) 
All in all a great blogger day! This is post 101 (although not really because some of those posts are still in various states of draftedness)
And this post is dedicated to all of you who take the time to read the words that I write!

Lipstick 'n' Linguine
About me


Shopping with McPherson’s Beauty
August 04, 2015
Top posts of 2014
December 31, 2014
A great blogger week!
August 07, 2014
The follow for follow…
March 23, 2014
You can now find me on Bloglovin
January 21, 2014


Cathie May
Reply May 22, 2014

Congratulations! I onny came across your blog via your instagram account recently but i'm loving it!

Reply May 22, 2014

Congrats girl! What an amazing milestone ♡


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